Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Collar bone keeps popping?

While in the Army I fell about 10ft and this was back in November! They said I have a dead bone in my wrist keeps popping in and out and my shoulder keeps popping in and out of place also. The most painful part it my collar bone it keeps popping and is very painful...right at the breast bone! do I need surgery? they army did nothing for my but put me in a sling and brace and said dont move it and discharged me they said I probably need surgery! They army is gay! all this is in my right side! of course it had to be my dominant side...can anyone help? now I can bearly move it and when I do try its very painful cant lift anything! when I rub my collar bone I can feel a tingling sensation right above my right ear! wierd!

My Collar bone keeps popping?
Sounds like you injuried your SCJ, sternoclavicular joint (where your collar bone and sternum meet). Your collar bone requires a certain amount of rotation when you lift your arm, thus why it hurts. The sling was used to immobilize it to reduce trauma to the joint. The help you need is to go to the VA hospital or reach an orthopedist for X-rays and see if surgery is indicated. the tingling in your ear could be referred symptoms due to nerve damage, but most unlikely.

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