Monday, November 16, 2009

Ladies only!! hey do u like it when a guys pops his collar on a collared shirt??

do you find it sexy or does it look like a guy is tryin to hard to look cool!

Ladies only!! hey do u like it when a guys pops his collar on a collared shirt??
its way 2 much for them! i think that its ok if they r black im not raceis or anything but on white people it makes them look like wanbes ! and ya it looks good and kids sexy
Reply:Looks silly to me.
Reply:its ok as long as he doesn't look like dracula or he doesn't have a lot of "ice" around his neck.
Reply:sometimes i think both but otherwise I think really sexy
Reply:No... Too Miami Vice
Reply:no it looks like they are trying to look cool
Reply:haha! This look was big when I was a teenager in the 80's. Only the preppy guys would pop their collars up. I personally didn't like the look then and I can't stand it now!
Reply:all the guys that i go to school with do it, and frankly, i think its dorky. its a sign that the guy thinks he is too cool to wear his shirt the right way. i think its more mature, and classier when a guy wheres his collar normally. its like having jeans down to your ankles.. its just not cute
Reply:lol..not at all. it reminds me to much of the eighties and looks dorky. They might as well bring out the Member's Only jackets.
Reply:I don't like it when guys pop their collars. It looks stupid.
Reply:truthfully? well to me when a guy pops his collar its just weird. hes trying wayy too hard to be cool. and by the way, they look like count dracula or some kinda vampire when they do it :]
Reply:trying too hard

laid back yet sexy, y'dig?
Reply:It depends on wat the shirt is......If is like a polo shirt then no cause you look gay....but if it's like a shirt u where with like a suit....

then yea
Reply:No... I don't like it. Looks like he's trying waaaaaay too hard.
Reply:No way. they look like possers. i told my boyfriend not to do that.
Reply:tryin to hard to look cool...

unless he's just doin it on purpose to get a laugh
Reply:Trying WAY too hard. Preppy is hot, a popped collar is NOT
Reply:Somtimes it depends. Usually they just try to be cool though. Lol i do it alot but not to try and act cool! Its just my sweaters always start falling off my shoulders and when i pull them back up it looks like im popping my collar! Its annoying. lol
Reply:No I don't like it. It looks like he's trying tooo hard. Yuck!
Reply:Very cool and opto mistic-sexxy!

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