Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Please help school question?

To put a long story into a short story. Here is what what happened.

I like this new girl in my school and she is popular. I am average I don't talk much but I am not hated Anyways somehow the rumor spread around till the whole school knew about it and even she knew about it. She didn't seem to mind cause whenever she saw me she didn't say anything mean. So for my LA project I had to dress up as a cool person. So i spiked my hair popped my collar and wore some shades. And a bunch of people thought it was cool. The girl I like even smiled. What does this mean?

Please help school question?
It means that people in your school are superficial and only care about the way each other look.
Reply:Maybe she just thought it was funny, maybe she likes you! Maybe some time in class when she is talking to her friends pretend you overheard her and talk about the same thing she is. If she ignores you or gives you a face, assume it meant nothing.
Reply:now u should dress up like that

and just become friends with her

girls like to talk

what was the rumor? u never mentioned......

that u guys were going out???
Reply:it means (in short) they like ya (little bit more than before)
Reply:wow you really shouldn't care that much about what one person thinks about you
Reply:wow sounds like my boy-friend lol i think you should break the ice like say so whats up i really liked your project usally girls pick up on comments like that and she'll give the clue that u like her without being to ovbious

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