Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Anyone want to help with my list of fun things to do at Abercrombie/Hollister?

Ok, you know the list of 50 fun things to do at Walmart? Well, I wanted to try and make one for Abercrombie and Hollister. I came up with a few but there have got to be better ones. And listen, I'm going to be really embarrassed if no one answers so don't even think, just answer.

1. Upon walking in, pull a disgusted face and say loudly, "What is that STENCH?!"

2. Find a pair of destroyed or holey jeans. Take them to the counter, and insist they are defective and you should get a discount.

3. Dance like a maniac in the middle of the sales floor to their music.

4. If you're a guy, get an XS hot pink polo shirt from the girls' section. Put it on in the dressing rooms, pop the collar, and walk around the store.

5. Go to the clearance section and ask for something from the top shelf. Say it's what you wanted so they put the ladder away. Find the same employee and say you changed your mind so they have to get the ladder out again. Repeat.

Anyone have other ones?

Anyone want to help with my list of fun things to do at Abercrombie/Hollister?
Go in, in your dirty tattered messed up clothing and wait to see if they try to kick you out and when they do just say well fine my money is green too and you just lost a sale, can i speak to your manger.
Reply:Crawl under one of the clothing racks of something expensive. Fall asleep on aforementioned item. Drool and snore.

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