Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fun things to do at Abercrombie/Hollister?

Ok, you know the list of fun things to do at Walmart? Well, I wanted to try and make one for A%26amp;F and Hollister. Just an idea. I came up with a few but there have got to be better ones. And listen, I'm going to be really embarrassed if no one answers so don't even think, just answer.

1. Upon walking in, pull a disgusted face and say loudly, "What is that STENCH?!"

2. Find a pair of destroyed or holey jeans. Take them to the counter, and insist they are defective and you should get a discount.

3. Dance like a maniac in the middle of the sales floor to their music.

4. If you're a guy, get an XS hot pink polo shirt from the girls' section. Put it on in the dressing rooms, pop the collar, and walk around the store.

5. Go to the clearance section and ask for something from the top shelf. Say it's what you wanted so they put the ladder away. Find the same employee and say you changed your mind so they have to get the ladder out again. Repeat.

Anyone have other ones?

Fun things to do at Abercrombie/Hollister?
6. Bring a friend with you at the store. You tell the Sales people to turn down the music because something wrong with your ear and it cant be exposed to loud music (make sure to hold a lot of their clothes, so they'd think you're actually spending money). then get your friend to ask them to turn it up because you can barely hear the song.

Reply:even though i hate hollister cuz thats wear i got ditched on a date once-that girl was my ride home-but i like #4
Reply:um. how about, if you don't like the stores, don't go in them and harass the poor people who work there.

you people sound like you live really, really sad lives if this is your idea of entertainment...please, do something productive, get a life and stop dragging society down.

i too used to do things like this...before i had a conscience and was 10 years old.
Reply:I HAVE to try these next time I'm at the mall. Ignore the people who say "ooh, if you hate it so much, just don't go in there." Whatever. These can be used for almost any store.

I thought of another one:

If there is anyone in there wearing a shirt that says ABERCROMBIE or HOLLISTER, completely fawn over them and ask "WHERE did you get your shirt!?!?!"
Reply:hahaha i like number 4 i could see a lot of my guy friends doing that

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