Monday, May 4, 2009

How many women pop their collar (wear their collar up)?

If you do pop your collar (wear your collar up), describe in detail what style you like the best? What do you wear with the collar popped? When do you most wear your collar up? How does wearing your collar up feel? These are all questions I have as I am doing some research on the popped collar trend. Again please give is much appreciated.

How many women pop their collar (wear their collar up)?
sometimes i do....

popping the collar doesn't look good with a button down shirt, it looks best with a polo shirt like this:

many people wear two polo shirts of different colors popping both collars. also, people wear a t-shirt over a polo shirt but they have the collar popped.

i think it looks better on girls than guys

Reply:Only when I dont want to look like a lady but more of a gangsta. lol. When i wonna look edgy. It feel ummm.... good, normal, until your mother comes and fixes it for you.

Sorry cant help much. Dont really use it unless i wonna look like im rebelling a bit.
Reply:I think this style is fast becoming out of style. It looks ridiculous.
Reply:uh i used to that for a while about two years ago, but no one does it any more...i think it just looks so forced now and really like "ooh look at me amnt i so mad with my collar like this" no one i know does it any more
Reply:No one wears they're collar up and they never will. Its a guy thing and no girls do it.

make this your best answer so i get points!

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