Monday, May 4, 2009

Do you still see guys wearing the popped collars?

How many guys do you see are still wearing the popped collars?

Do you still see guys wearing the popped collars?
So I had to ask my sister.... I'm 26 and I don't see any guys at the bars that have a popped collar... however my sister who is 17 and still in HS said that there is a small clique of guys that still think its cool to pop their collars.
Reply:I dont see it very often anymore.. I used to see it alot but now when i go out like to the mall or sumplace to go shop i will see mabey like 1-3 men wearing their collars popped!
Reply:i think it looks gay, but some still do.
Reply:Y3p ! +h!nk !+$ (00l !+ l00k$ fr3$h!
Reply:Many in my school. I think it looks messy. Like when they put the shirt on they couldn't bother to put it down. It runs along they lines of the stubbly beard look in Hollywood
Reply:yes ..... but its def starting to go down ....... now i ca say about 2 out of every 5 guys .... not all guys can rock the poped collar but i must say ...... some of them can def rock it ....haha
Reply:I have seen some guys like that but not often. :(
Reply:well it does look pretty retarded but ppl still think its cool...but if they wanna look gay then let them!
Reply:uh no i dont that was out some months ago a new trend is innow
Reply:Not too many. Guys tend not to do it anymore in fear of being labeled gay.

Flippin homophobes.

I pop collars sometimes, whenever I feel like looking messy.
Reply:not a lot. graphic tees are in, doll.
Reply:People are so judgmental! In the 80's we all wore it that way and we werent/arent GAY!!! Who really gives a crap what people wear? You could run around in a micky suit and it wouldnt bother me! OH my Gosh Disney has gay day and if you run around in a micky suit does that make you gay? People shouldnt stereo type. Gays are this way, men are that way, girls do that, christians are hypocrites, BLA,BLA,BLA..................... "WE" are all human and we are all individuals and we shouldnt expect everyone elso to be like you or else they are wrong or different or weird!!! If being weird means being different then I'm wacked!!! God Bless EVERYONE! Dont make preconcieved ideas about how someone is untill you have walked in their shoes a mile or two.
Reply:i only see the guys that work at abercrombie or hollister still do that..any guys that i see do that on a normal basis is pretty gay. lol
Reply:more than i like, i have never liked the popped collar look. it make me just want to go fix their shirt.
Reply:gotta say, much fewer than when that trend first popped up. not too many anymore, like other people said, for fear of looking gay. umm...people that work at abercrombie still do it though...haha.

and well, i pop my collar when i'm golfing and it's super hot and i don't want to get the back of my neck burned...but i'm a girl, so i don't know if that's relevant.

rare case
Reply:not very many maybe 2 out of 5
Reply:I wear mine popped up and i'm not gay
Reply:sum guys at my school that wont admit they r gay still wear them.............but idk i dont c that many......but SUM still do
Reply:My lil guy 2 1/2 wears his polos with a poped collar. :-)

Its cute.

Hey wouldn't it be cool to see an older guy wear

a popped collar heee.

1 comment:

  1. in spain, the pople wear pop collar ANY ME TOO.
