Monday, May 4, 2009

Popped Collars are a lifestyle!?

Wearing your collar down is for poor people.

Why is it all you middle class losers are so jealous of the East Coast prep school etiquette?

The majority of collar-poppers are merely imitating those who have the right to pop.

Its not our fault you are a middle class f-up. Ttake your t-shirt wearing, financial aid, blue-collar a.s.s. and go back to your roots... public school.

I earned this lifestyle. You'll probably work for me one day. You will struggle to get by on dual incomes while I am making millions. Add that to my trust fund, and I can buy a country club membership, a ski house, and still have enough money to go barhopping around the city in my designer clothes and s.h.i.t.-eating grin. Maybe I'll offer you a hundred bucks to flip my collar up for me.

Do you even own a tuxedo? I bet you don't even know how to sail, you're pathetic.

Popped Collars are a lifestyle!?
You're such a Geek. Either you really believe that garbage or you're just making it all up to see what kind of reactions you will get. Either way it's still pretty childish.

Reply:I'm glad you didn't take too much offense to being called a Geek... :) Report It

Reply:You think that we are jelouse of you people? HA! In our spare time we post your pictures up on fashon don'ts websites. Look you are making a way to big of deal of the "Poped colar". Get over it!
Reply:ain't nobody jealous of yo ol copnceited a**
Reply:With that attitude, you'll be working for me one day. Scratch that I wouldn't even hire you.
Reply:Because maybe popped collars look ridiculous?

If you think you've "earned" the right to look ridiculous, be my guest, go ahead.

No one is saying you can't wear your collar that way.

You're just offended because you get laughed at.

Oh, yeah, you "earned" your trust fund, too, I suppose?

p.s. I thought clothing styles were fashion statements, not "lifestyles".

And the popped collar? - so early 80's.

I did not know people thought they were still "cool".
Reply:Not true... i go to a public school. It's perfectly ok to have an un popped collar.
Reply:Dude, Poppin' the collar is ok and all. I go to a prep school so I'm with ya on that. But come on! Tone it down a bit champ.

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